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Peter Rice – 20 year Anniversary

25 March, 2013 (22:51) | General

Peter Rice the famous and brilliant Irish engineer died 20 years ago this year. To celebrate his significant contribution to the global profession of structural engineering, a few new publications/broadcasts have been released. These are a must read/watch/listen for any structural engineer, but especially Irish students of structural engineering!

1. Traces of Peter Rice

Arup have produced a fascinating documentary on his work. The film examines Peter’s approach to engineering and to design and shows how his way of working broadened the horizons for both engineers and architects in his lifetime, a legacy that is still relevant today.

2. Traces of Peter Rice (book)

To accompany the Arup exhibition, this book is a gathering of essays in tribute to the life and achievements of a remarkable Irish- born structural engineer Peter Rice (1935-1992), ‘perhaps the most influential of the 20th century’. It can be got here:

3. Remembering Peter Rice

The RTE Radio 1 Arts Tonight documentary can be listed to here. It features a range of well-known architects, but unfortunately, no engineer.

4. Arup Exhibition – Traces of Peter Rice

The exhibition will close in London on 5 April and begin touring France and Ireland, as follows:

The exhibition will tour to the Centre Culturel Irlandais, Paris from the 14 May 2013 until the 28 June 2013 and then to the Farmleigh Gallery, Dublin between 10 October 2013 and 23 December 2013.

The website is here:

5. Timeline of Peter Rice projects

Finally, a wonderful timeline of Peter Rice’s projects is available (taken from here):




Comment from Doug Jenkins
Time: 6 July, 2013, 00:14

Thanks for posting that Colin. It’s good to see an engineer getting some credit as a designer, rather than just a mechanical checker of an architect’s design.

He gets a reasonable write up under his own name on Wikipedia, but not a mention in the Wikipedia Sydney Opera House article, and also not mentioned in the much longer article here:

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