Journal paper published – footbridge vibration
The paper Enhancement factors for the vertical response of footbridges subjected to stochastic crowd loading has been published in the prestigious Computers & Structures journal. This has an impact factor of 1.719 for 2010.
This paper proposes a method of determining statistical enhancement factors to apply to single pedestrian responses to obtain corresponding crowd-induced vibration responses.
The full reference for the paper is:
Caprani, C.C., Keogh, J., Archbold, P. and Fanning, P. (2012), ‘Enhancement factors for the vertical response of footbridges subjected to stochastic crowd loading’, Computers & Structures, in press.
And it is available from:
The vertical acceleration response of a hypothetical footbridge is predicted for a sample of single pedestrians and a crowd of pedestrians using a probabilistic approach. This approach uses statistical distributions to account for the fact that pedestrian parameters are not identical for all pedestrians. Enhancement factors are proposed for predicting the response due to a crowd based on the predicted accelerations of a single pedestrian. The significant contribution of this work is the generation of response curves identifying enhancement factors for a range of crowd densities and synchronization levels.