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In Memorium – Joe O’Donovan

13 May, 2008 (04:30) | General

Sadly Joe O’Donovan, co-founder and Chairman of Rough & O’Donovan Consulting Engineers, passed away at the weekend. From the ROD website:

A favourite quote of Joe’s was the epitaph on the tomb of Sir Christopher Wren “lecteur, Si Monumentum Requiris Circumspice” which translates “reader, if you seek his monument, look around”. Joe’s monuments, I’m sure you will agree, are around for us all to see.

And they are:

The M1 Boyne Bridge, Ireland
The M1 Boyne Bridge, Ireland

Joe was very kind and encouraging to me when, as an academic, I found myself surrounded by supreme practicing bridge engineers. I’ll remember him fondly.



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